Buttondown tells you where

Written on April 15, 2020

Previously when I was on Mailchimp for my newsletter, I would always wonder, “Where are my readers coming from?”. The only data that I could find was whether they signed up using the embed form or the hosted sign up form.

This morning when I got an email notification from Buttondown–my new newsletter provider–it told me the source. More specifically which page on my website lead the reader to sign up for my newsletter.

I think this is neat because in the future I could use this information to gauge which of my content folks are landing on from a Google search and then eventually leads to a sign up to my newsletter. I’m sure this information could somehow be revealed in Google Analytics but it’s neat that without doing anything other then embedding the sign up form to my website, I get this data point.

I find this to be a value add to using Buttondown. Plus it’s awesome that with each sign up email I get I also get a humorous gif that greets me as well :)

The only thing I couldn’t find was a screen within the Buttondown dashboard that also has the source where a reader signed up.

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