Changing My Mind About Responsive Web Design

Written on September 10, 2014

Weeks before Apple announced the iPhone 6, I wondered what sort of resolutions web-developers would have to support for responsive websites. While doing some research on media queries, I stumbled upon Brad Frosts’ excellent article, 7 Habits of Highly Effective Media Queries; an excellent read. As I mull over the contents of the article, I’m beginning to change the way I think about responsive web design.

One of the driving points for me was, the first point which is, not letting the resolution of popular devices dictate your break points, but letting content determine breakpoints.

After reading through Brad’s post, I’m beginning not to worry so much about the resolution of the iPhone 6 or any devices for that matter and thinking about content. Looking forward to implementing some of the points Brad made in the article in an upcoming project.

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