Customer stories

Written on February 3, 2015

One of the privileges that I have as a business owner is being able to personally reach out to my customers and users. It is something I try to do often. In doing so, it reminds me that these customers and users are not just a transaction number or a user name, but a real human being with feelings, emotions and a story behind why they need something that I have to offer them.

Stories like, a boyfriend from Germany trying to send his girlfriend in Korea — that he met while studying abroad in Taiwan — a Christmas greeting card. The family in the US, who had just adopted a daughter from Korea and wanted to send their daughter a first birthday card because they can’t be there. The guy who is learning Ember.js for the first time to build his company’s new website and found my tip on how to create an Ember component useful. A 13 year old developer eager to learn as much as he can about programming and web development.

If you’re a business owner, you have a great privilege of reaching out to your customers or users personally to hear how your business’ offerings are helping them along in their story. I encourage you to do so. It’ll reaffirm why you started your business in the first place.

For me, I started native haus with my wife when we realized the make-up of families and relationships are less and less homogeneous nowadays and we wanted to create products that allowed people to give gifts to their loved ones in the native language of their hearts.

My partner, Christopher and I created CodeHive because we wanted to create a community where developers can help each other take their programming skills to the next level.

I look forward to hearing more stories and looking for opportunities to help my customers and users.

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