First Unofficial CodePen Meetup Mention on CodePen Radio

Written on November 11, 2014

Earlier today, my buddy Hornebom told me to checkout the latest episode of CodePen Radio. The episode was recorded right before their first official Meetup in Austin and so the subject of the episode was about Meetups. At around the 7:00 mark, Alex talked about some groups who have come together to do some cool collaborations on CodePen.

Then Tim started to talk about the first unofficial meetup. To my surprise, Tim was talking about when Hornebom and I met up in Germany. Immediately Chris went into the details of our first unofficial meetup.

Pretty cool that Hornebom and my meetup in Germany was officially acknowledged as being the first unofficial CodePen meetup :)

Have a listen in on the episode, and if you’re in a city where other CodePen folks live; Go connect with them.

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