I'm freelancing

Written on June 20, 2017

So for the past three years I’ve been freelancing. I kind of announced it in the past, but not really. To be honest, it hasn’t felt much like freelancing. This was because a single company has been buying out 40 hours a week, every week for the past three years. I’ll continue to work with the company, but I’ve decided to carve out some time to pick up some additional, limited freelancing work to do outside of the 40 hours.

This was born out of the desire to use my experience to help more business owners solve their problems, so they can focus on working on their business and not their website or web application.

I’ve been fortunate to land my first contract since freeing up additional time for more freelancing. It’s only been a few days into the project and I’m learning a lot of skills that I haven’t been exercising in the past few years. Skills such as project management, communicating with clients, writing up proposals and contracts and helping the business owner think about scale — the bigger picture of their business.

It’s been refreshing and fun to pick up skills outside of programming. Skills I hope to document more of here to share with others.

If you’re a business owner and are in need of a web application, I’m available to help you meet your business goals.

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