Hello, NC State

Written on July 22, 2014

Wednesday will be my last day at ReverbNation.

I’ve learned a lot during the last 15 months at ReverbNation. I’ve had the privilege to work with some great folks who are doing some awesome things to give artists opportunities to take their careers to the next level. I also made some good friends along the way.

Starting next Monday, I’ll be joining the Web Communications Department at NC State — my alma mater. NC State has changed a lot during the last few years and I’m looking forward to the new challenges ahead.

I’ve never worked in higher education so I’m excited to grow and learn new things from future colleagues.

As I start this new chapter, I thought it’d be appropriate to give my site a little facelift. I spent the last couple of nights to move around some elements, swap out typefaces and create a cleaner, friendlier design.

There are still some things to be fixed — it’s not responsive yet and there are small details that I need to iron out — but I’m happy with where it’s going.

Here’s to a new chapter.

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