Access iCloud Drive quicker in Terminal by creating a symbolic link (symlink)

Written on May 31, 2019

Accessing iCloud Drive isn’t so obvious from Terminal because Apple uses this weird path.

~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com\~apple\~CloudDocs

Fortunately you can use a symbolic link or a symlink so that you could easily access your documents in iCloud Drive from Terminal with something like this:


You can do this using the link command or its alias ln from Terminal. So let’s say we’ll want to create a symlink to iCloud in your home folder ~. You’ll want to run this command,

ln -s ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com\~apple\~CloudDocs ~/iCloud

-s in the command above is the option according to man link the manual pages, is to create a symbolic link.

Then we pass the source folder and then pass in the desired destination folder, which in this case I used ~/iCloud.

So now from Terminal, I can easily get to my notes folder in iCloud by typing this in:

vim ~/iCloud/notes

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