Missed out on Olympic Apple Watch bands

Written on August 2, 2024

The summer Olympics is back in full force and my family and I have been enjoying watching these extraordinary athletes from around the world compete against each other.

But sadly, one thing that seems to not have returned with this year’s Olympics are the International Collection Apple Watch Bands.

Released during the 2020 Olympics, Apple released 22 limited-edition bands with matching watch faces representing various countries.

A set of International Watch Bands

Set of International Watch Bands including one for South Korea

I remember seeing them and thinking they looked awesome. I can’t remember why I skipped on them in 2020, but I remember thinking to myself, during the next Olympics I would definitely pick up a couple.

2024 Olympics are here, but it seems Apple didn’t bring these bands back, making them indeed limited-edition.

Perhaps there wasn’t enough demand for them in 2021 when they were last released or perhaps with Apple’s recent commitment to carbon neutrality, they couldn’t get these bands ready in time for the games.

Whatever the reason, I sure am bummed.

Here’s hoping that they’ll release them for the next Olympics in 2028, when the Olympics returns to Los Angeles.

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