One Thing Done Today

Written on September 16, 2016

I’ve abandoned most todo apps I’ve ever used. Either because they were too complicated and it was a task in itself to use or because I had too many things to get done and the app didn’t do anything to help manage my chaos.

My needs for a todo app are pretty simple. First it is a place where I brain dump tasks I have to get done. Second, since most of the time I don’t care what task I work on next because they all need to get done, it can just tell me what I should get done next. Last, it should be simple and clean; it shouldn’t be a full blown project manager, just a simple app that I quickly glance at when I have a moment in my day to get something done.

I couldn’t find any apps out there that fit the criteria so I built an app myself that did exactly what I wanted. The app is called One Thing Done Today.

At its core, One Thing Done Today (or OTDT for short) does a couple of things well. It allows you to quickly capture your todos and then allows you to focus on getting them done.

You capture your todos quickly in a list.

Then you get stuff done, one thing at a time.

If One Thing Done Today sounds like a todo app that you’d use too, I’d love for you to check it out.

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