Reflection: iOS SSH client

Written on July 21, 2015

In the past I’ve used Prompt by Panic, but decided not to pay for the upgrade when it was released since I didn’t use it often. Today, I decided to write some bullet points down on my iPad for an upcoming screencast I’m going to record. In doing so I realized, I needed to familiarize myself with some commands in terminal. I didn’t want to sit at my laptop to do this, so I opened up the App Store to see what sort of SSH clients exist.

Obviously there was Prompt 2, but I didn’t feel like paying for it. I wanted to use something free to simply connect to my laptop and run some commands. I stumbled upon Reflection by Attachmate. It’s a universal app, it was free and the app looked like it was being updated fairly often so I thought I’d give it a go.

Upon turning on remote login on my laptop and connecting to my laptop’s IP, I was able to access my system’s command line super quick. The interface is intuitive and it provides a row of useful characters such as the esc key which is often missing on tablet keyboards.

I’m even writing this post in Vim through Reflection which I’ll commit and push up to GitHub.

If you ever need to run Javascript on your iPad or terminal commands, I highly recommend checking out Reflection by Attachmate for iOS.

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