Shark teeth

Written on July 10, 2015

Shark teeth found at Myrtle Beach

For father’s day we took a little family vacation to Myrtle Beach. The weather was great and our boy loves playing in the sun, sand and water.

While we were at the beach, I noticed some people walking along the shore staring at the sand with these little filters with a handle on them. Curious to see what they were looking for, I went up to a lady and asked. The lady had a little sandwich bag in one hand and the filter contraption in the other. When I asked what she was collecting, she raised up the bag and said, “Shark teeth”. She shared that these beaches were known to have a bunch.

Surprised, I started walking back towards my family looking down at the sand wondering if I could find one amongst all the rocks and sand. And sure enough, within a few steps I found one. After I found one, it was like seeing your favorite car on the street, I couldn’t stop seeing them. I collected a few to share with my wife and son.

I can’t wait till my son is older, when I can tell him that time I punched a shark in the mouth to get his teeth :)

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