Slingshot Coffee's origin story

Written on August 3, 2015

It is no secret that Slingshot coffee is my favorite cold-brew coffee. Ever since I saw Jeff Sheldon of Ugmonk share about how much he liked it, and trying it for myself, I was hooked.

I love reading about origin stories of businesses; they inspire and motivate me to keep working harder with my endeavors. I love how Slingshot’s story simply started with a quest to make an awesome black coffee that could be enjoyed cold. Their quest seemed to have taken some time to unfold but man am I happy they made it to where they are today and it is awesome to see their success.

Do we really get to do this everyday? It’s hard and it’s rough. But it is always beautiful and rewarding. Sometimes it doesn’t seem real that we can do what makes us happiest – brew exceptional coffees that we can share. So whether picking up a bottle in Massachusetts or Georgia, you can bet that every bottle of Slingshot is delicious – and brewed with passion, knowledge and intentionality. Enjoy it.

Check out Slingshot’s origin story and if you’ve never had their coffee, do yourself a favor and go get some! It is awesome.

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