My thanks to Learn AWS By Using It

Written on December 1, 2018

I’d like to thank Kyle Galbraith for sponsoring my site this week with his excellent book, Learn AWS By Using It. Being a person who enjoys sharing his knowledge with others and making side projects, I’ve come to appreciate Kyle’s work. We’ve friended each other online and I’m excited for the things he’s currently working on.

As a fellow maker I’m always on the look out to support other makers and their work. When I discovered Kyle’s writings, I knew he had the knowledge I needed to take my AWS knowledge to the next level. I had tinkered with the various technologies that AWS provided, but always felt like I was missing something or going at it blind.

After the first couple of chapters in Learn AWS By Using It, I picked up on industry standards like how to secure your root user and how to utilize libraries like Serverless to help orchestrate various services through code and not manually clicking through endless amount of screens. This boosted my confidence in cloud services and it was a no brainer for me to reach out to Kyle and see if I could get his book in front of my readers.

I was stoked when Kyle agreed to have his book sponsor my site this week and he was generous to even provide an exclusive code for my readers to get 35% off his book with the coupon code michael18. If you’ve been looking for a resource to help you get familiar Amazon’s AWS services, check out, Learn AWS By Using It.

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