Introducing ConfsList

Written on September 6, 2018

I’m working on a project that I’m currently calling ConfsList. ConfsList is a site for folks who want to find design and development tech conferences. In my previous position as an interaction designer at CloudBees, each designer had the opportunity to attend a conference in the design space sponsored by CloudBees. This was a really neat opportunity since I had only gone to one conference in the past, Siggraph.

While I’m more familiar with conferences in the software development space, the design space was new to me since I was in a new design role. So I hopped on Google and went searching around. I found some curated lists on design websites, but I didn’t see a running list of conferences that were continually happening.

Searching around I found a couple of sites that had a better list of events that were taking place, but what I was hoping to find was a place where folks who also like me had never been to a design or development conference could perhaps get a glimpse of what it would be like before making a huge investment and time away from work and family to go. This could happen by speaking with more experienced conference attenders.

None exists from what I could tell, so I decided to build my own.

So usually, when I write a post like this on my site, it’s to share with you a MVP that I had pieced together over weeks and that I’m kind of launching out to the world to see. With this post, I’m actually doing something different.

I actually have nothing to show at this moment. I’ll get into more details about this in another post. But this post serves as giving myself permission to start talking about my process out in the open. As I’ve mentioned last week, I want to share more things in real time.

By introducing ConfsList now, I can now speak about it and this post will be a reference point to the beginning of this story. I’ve actually been working on ConfsList for several weeks, but it’s all been done in a silo.

I’ve had ideas for posts, but have been holding myself back to do it once I launch an MVP. But seeing as an MVP is still a ways to go, I wanted to open up about it so that now I can share more in real time and invite folks into this journey of building ConfsList.

If you’re interested in ConfsList and what it can become, be sure to sign up for my newsletter as I’ll be sharing updates there as well. I’m also looking for seasoned conference attenders, organizers and speakers to talk to and bounce ideas off of. If that’s you, ping me on Twitter @michaelsoolee and I would love to start a conversation.

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