Answering questions

Written on January 2, 2017

I enjoy sharing my experiences and knowledge with others. I know I wouldn’t be where I am now without folks openly sharing their experience and knowledge through websites and other mediums on the Internet.

A common pattern I’m picking up lately is that I get asked questions and I answer them in mediums that aren’t so permanent or easily viewable by others e.g. Slack, Twitter or Email. For this reason, in addition to answering them in their original medium, I’ll also share them on my site.

This way, I can easily reference them for my own benefit in the future but also in hope of sharing my experience and knowledge with others so others can learn and benefit.

The format is pretty simple for now, I’ll quote the question and then answer it. Here’s an example of a question regarding what I use for source control. If you’re curious about any of my projects or tools that I use, feel free to ask me via Twitter or Email.

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