Thanks Anders Borum for Working Copy

Written on January 1, 2019

One of the apps that has made an impact on me in 2018 was Working Copy for iOS by Anders Borum. Most, if not all of my projects are versioned using git and are stored in a remote server. Being able to access them on my phone has been a pretty phenomenal experience.

While I admit the limited real estate on the iPhone can be challenging at times for a git workflow that’s quicker on a laptop. But being able to make changes on my phone on the go and then push up those changes and have it appear on a live site all without a laptop has felt pretty magical.

Paired with some basic Shortcuts on iOS, writing blog posts and keeping Spell It Out up-to-date in the last few months of 2018 with Working Copy has made me happy. This is because I can capture things almost instantly and publish it right away.

For these reasons, I want to thank Anders Borum for his amazing work on Working Copy.

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