Where did you go?

Written on October 19, 2018

For the past month I’ve been a little off my regular writing cadence. Usually I’m able to put together at least one post a week. But three weeks ago my family welcomed its newest member, my third child. So this is why I’ve been a little off on writing posts on my site.

Most of my time has been put towards helping the family adjust to the newest member and all the new family dynamics that come with it. Outside of family time it’s been trying to keep afloat with work and bouting sleep deprivation. With what little time I do have, I spend hacking on ConfsList which has been just an outlet to clear my head and do some leisure coding.

I have to admit, going from two to three kids has been the toughest. We’re completely out-numbered and boy has the sibling jealousy been strong. But through all the whirlwind of adjusting to life as a family of five, I have to say the number feels right and the family feels whole. Not that it never did, but it is a new level of completeness now and my heart is full.

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